To Data Reframed from LA Tech4Good
Our first launch party, remarks, and more about our new name!
From our October newsletter
3 super actionable resources for tech and data justice: 1. Data Feminism for AI, 2. Decolonizing Data, 3. Gaza’s Telecommunications Infrastructure
Fall product discovery
We’re focusing this fall on product discovery! More to come over the next few months!
Institutional Research webinar
The Hudson Valley and Eastern New York Institutional Research groups hosted a data equity webinar in August., where 30+ experts in higher education actively engaged in and brought their practice.
Data equity with the YWCA
We traveled to Atlanta in June to present our data equity workshop at the YWCA’s national biennial Leadership & Capacity Building Institute.
Summer slowdown
A pause partially to recharge and partially to evaluate how we contribute in the current landscape that is dominated by interest, excitement and challenges of generative AI.
3 Digital spools of educational justice
Following U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy's June 17 warning on social media for aadolescents’ mental health, we highlight our 3-part series on educational justice.
Navigating the pros & cons of gen AI in creative workflows
A recap of our May 9 event on balancing creativity and artificial intelligence, with speakers Laura Crenshaw Randant and Faith 'Aya' Umoh.
AI is here for healthcare
Healthcare workers who use the advancements of digital interventions to support equitable healthcare will be the drivers of clinically significant outcomes.
Digital epistemology: the third digital spool of educational justice
Technology is changing the nature and construction of knowledge; here is an approach to how education leaders can approach this relationship in service to educational justice.
Volunteer gratitude
Big thanks to our volunteer team – who make *everything* possible! – during National Volunteer Week.
We’re joining the Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute Consortium
We look forward to joining the Consortium to build a collective vision for the design and use of algorithmic tools that positively serve the American public. See what Eva Sachar is looking forward to.
The intriguing edge cases of privacy in an AI-driven world
If you're working within the "cone of protection," Erin Relford urges you to connect with organizations championing data ethics research that can make a world tethered in technology a safer and more inclusive one for everyone.
Our community speaks out
We feel compelled to speak and urge you to join the global chorus against the destruction being rained on the Palestinian people and for a ceasefire now.
What caught our attention & what we want to see next
Eva Sachar shares her perspectives on the Executive Order on AI - what caught our attention & what’s most pressing to address next!
Ethical data - it’s in the nuance, not the mechanics
Cindy Lin's takeaways from her presentation at the Society of Women Engineers’ October 2023 conference in Los Angeles.
Cool Spots LA App built on responsible data foundations
A conversation with LA's Chief Heat Officer and the City’s Chief Data Officer – a periodic feature on 🌱 Tech and Climate
Bridging the data divide: the journey of data equity from niche to commonplace
A fun coffee shop exploration with Tirelle and Karen on LA Tech4Good’s data equity journey
Integrating ethics into the product development cycle
❝60+ techies and Tech Leaders from Santa Barbara to [Orange County] came together to discuss how to make our digital products more equitable and ethical❞